Cross Country Skiing, The Crags

First time with skis on my feet, and let me tell you, it didn’t go unnoticed. Riveted with frustration, fall after fall, I still managed to see the beauty in a snow covered Colorado. Turns out you don’t need to be ripping down a mountain side to eat powder. Topped off with a mellow trek back to the car and a thermos full of hot chocolate, the adventure couldn’t have been any better.

The Flat Irons, Boulder CO

My first family member to visit me in Colorado was my cousin Adam. We traipsed throughout the Springs and made our way to Boulder to hike these iconic rock features. The trails were bustling, but the hike was worth it. Then we hung out on the Pearl Street Promenade, had lunch with a Dead Head, and ate Voodoo Donuts in the park.

Pikes Peak 14,115ft

Not two weeks later, I hiked to the top of my second 14er. However, I’m choosing not to count this one as I did not complete the descent on foot. As a supporter of Colorado’s Brain Injury Alliance, mimg_2051y coworkers and I hiked 13 miles to the top of Pikes peak in approximately 6.5 hours. Per the event, we were shuttled in vans from the summit to the base, but not before enjoying some summit donuts – as for some wild reason, there is a cafeteria on the summit of this peak. I plan to complete a full round trip 26 mile hike on the Barr trail with a pit stop over night at Barr Camp…or I’ll just hit the opposite face for a shorter more scrambly approach through the Crags. Either way, this was my most rigorous hike yet and the last 2 miles to the summit made me just about want to cry.


Mt. Bierstadt 14,060ft

Colorado 14ers, as they call them, are quiet a thing. With over 50 mountain peaks in Colorado that survive the ranks of being dubbed a 14er, its a hobby and passion of many. Mt. Bierstadt, arguably one of the easiest and most highly trafficked 14er was my first. 7 miles round trip and 2,850ft of elevation gain makes for a pretty simple excursion – but alas, my first one is in the books.


Of note, there was a Coors Lite representative running up and down the mountain with a cape – so we got a free beer at the summit. Also, we shared our summit sign with two young lads and and invited them to post adventure pizza at a rad little mountain town joint.

Ute Valley Park

Ute Valley is a nice, easy hiking spot in Colorado Springs. A good amount of people on the trails on a nice evening after work, hikers and mountain bikers mostly as its full of dirt and rocky trails. Couldn’t tell you what trail(s) but I did manage to make it all the way across the park and back – probably about 2.5 miles total.

Manitou Incline

Had the idea after work today to hike the Incline, and with a little push from my roommate we decided to go for it. So we started off on the .88mi ascent up steps upon steps of old rail road ties for a 2,000ft elevation gain. We made it in one ever so long feeling hour. With a 10 minute break at the summit we admired the overlook view of Colorado Springs and a glimpse of Pikes Peak. And then back down we went via the Barr Trail for what we estimates was about a 3 mile descent.


St. Mary Falls Trail, Cheyenne Mountain

My first hike with elevation gain sure felt like third-degree fun towards the end there. The hike was snowy and cold, but enjoyable nonetheless.

St. Mary Falls Trail, Cheyenne Mountain
6 mi, round trip approximately
Start elevation 7,500ft
Highest point 8,950ft

The drive in sure felt a bit like off-roading with the sopping wet- full of potholes- dirt road that barely fit 2 cars, let alone one at times. The trail starts out very easy and flat and then eventually turns into slight grades and switchbacks. The majority of elevation gain was probably in the last 1.5 miles or so but worth seeing the waterfall (despite my heavy breathing and racing heart). I’m sure its a little more magical with less snow and slop blocking your access and enjoyment of the falls themselves. The way down felt like a easy day breeze with an occasional slip and slide in the snow, but maybe because that’s when we all realized how tired and hungry we were and didn’t speak a word to each other most of the way back. Everyone recovered with some brewpub brews and food to cap off the adventure.